I'm one of the founding editors and all around do-stuff people at Barrelhouse. We're a literary magazine, small press, and nonprofit organization that supports all things literary. We started in Washington DC and still maintain a presence in the literary community there, although now we're also spread out pretty much all over the country, with editors in Philly, Michigan, Connecticut. New York, Oregon, and me here in State College.
We do a lot of stuff:
We put out two magazines a year.
We put out two books a year.
We run the Conversations and Connections Writer's Conference, which is held in April in DC and October in Pittsburgh.
We run Barrelhouse Writer Camp, a writer's retreat about fifteen minutes away from my house here in Central PA.
We created the Barrelhouse Amplifier, a $1,500 annual award for an emerging literary oganization. We're thrilled that Girls Write Pittsburgh won the first Amplifier this year.
Two of our editors, Mike Ingram and Tom McAllister, are the award-winning and super awesome Book Fight podcast.
We have an awesome website that is updated all the time with book reviews, columns, fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and special issues.